Danny & Gerry
Concert tableDate: December 21, 2024 The following table shows all concerts by Danny and Gerry in chronological order (with the most current as the first). Click on the info links to get more information on the concert. You will find some pictures in the archive. If you are interested in a concert by Danny & Gerry, send an email to Mag. Tom Amersberger (manager@our-music.com) or you may call him at +43 (699) 100 35 985 (mobile phone). Read more on our the page concerts for schools information page or our concert request information page. Current public concerts by Danny & Gerry:Currently there are no concerts due. Archive: Danny & Gerry public concerts in 2024:If you were at any of these concerts and want to share your feedback with us and the rest of the world, simply click on "Feedback" and type your message or read what other have to say. Select a year: We did not find any concerts in 2024. |