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Danny & Gerry

Danny & Gerry

Danny and Gerry, a fantastic and fun way to learn English. They produce wonderful CDs for children and perform exciting interactive live concerts. And all of that in English.

If you want to know more about the two you are invited to read their circulum vitae. Select:
CV Danny
CV Gerry

Danny & Gerry and Fiona the Fairy, Amilia watching
Danny & Gerry and Fiona the Fairy,
watched by Amilia

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More Of Our Songs 20/20
The newest CD from Danny & Gerry is here: More Of Our Songs 20/20. See more information on our homepage and get your copy through our online shopping service.
Danny & Gerry - More Of Our Songs 20/20
Brain activity
Your brain is more active when you sleep than it is when you watch TV.
Riddle joke 3
What do you call a song about a car?
Our Day Out: Our Car