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Danny & Gerry


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Danny & Gerry ClassPack
The concert area
Danny & Gerry in Deutsch
The Danny & Gerry Sample Jukebox
Our online shop
Info on "Let's WOKI - Fun In The 4 Seasons"
Info on "More Of Our Songs"
Info on "More Of Our Songs 20/20"
Info on "Our Christmas Songs"
Info on "Our Day Out"
Info on "Our Dance Party"
Info on "Our First Songs"
Info on "Our Halloween"
Info on "Our Music Radio"
Info on "Our World Tour"
Danny & Gerry en Español
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More Of Our Songs 20/20
The newest CD from Danny & Gerry is here: More Of Our Songs 20/20. See more information on our homepage and get your copy through our online shopping service.
Danny & Gerry - More Of Our Songs 20/20
Riddle 7
What do you use from your head to your toes? The more it works the thinner it grows?
We have a news section. Check it out!
News from our-music.com
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
Riddle 13
I am a soft pillow for the gods to sleep.
To get any smaller I must weep.
What am I?
Around the world
Maine is the only state (in USA) whose name is just one syllable.
The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.
Our Music Radio
The new CD from Danny & Gerry is here: Our Music Radio plays the newest songs from Danny & Gerry - tune in:
Danny & Gerry - Our Music Radio
Brain activity
Your brain is more active when you sleep than it is when you watch TV.
Activity is the true enjoyment of life, even life itself.
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von
Concert table
Riddle 8
I exist until you say my name.
Who am I?
Visitors book
Don't forget to pass by our visitors book. Danny and Gerry are looking forward to see your message there.
Online shop
So you want your own copy of "More Of Sour Songs" and "Our Day Out"? No problem: all products are available in our online shop.
Online Shop