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Danny & Gerry

Concerts and PA system
minimum requirements

The following list specifies the minimum requirements for any concert that Danny & Gerry perform.

  • Stage area: the minimum stage area is 20m2. This can be a cleared area or a raised stage.

  • Electricity: we need at least 10 Ampere/220V AC. The outlet must not be further than 5 meters from the stage area.

  • Hall conditions: there should be a cleared floor area in front of the stage for the children to participate in our activities.

  • PA system: if you supply the PA system for our-music.com, this is what we need:
    • 6 track mixing console with 6.3mm jack inputs
    • amplifier according to the table below
    • suitable speakers and cables
    • 3 microphones for vocals including stands and cables

  • Hall size and PA amplifier:
    number of persons minimum size of venue minimum power of PA
    up to 50 100 m2 2 x 300 Watt RMS
    51 to 100 200 m2
    101 to 200 400 m2
    201 to 300 600 m2 2 x 500 Watt RMS
    301 to 400 800 m2
    401 to 500 1000 m2
    more than 500 please contact us please contact us

  • Open-air concerts: please conctact us per e-mail at manager@our-music.com.

If you need more information immediatley do not hesitate to write directly to:
Manager: manager@our-music.com - Mag. Thomas Amersberger
Danny: danny@our-music.com
Gerry: gerry@our-music.com