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Danny & Gerry

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2. I Am Happy

I am happy (7792 Bytes)

The second song is the continuation of the first one. The minute song ends with the ringing of the alarm bells and I am happy starts with this bell and the call of a rooster.

The song says: Live life with a smile on your face:

Wake up, wake up, the sun is shining bright.
Wake up, wake up, it's morning and not night.
The day is long, there's lot of things to do.
Let's go outside the sun is shining for me and you.

  I am happy, I am happy
  All day long I sing and play
  I am happy, I am happy
  Love to play the day away

I smile and hop because I'm feeling happy.
I see my friends and they are waving at me.
I ride my bike and see fish in the river.
I feel so good I want to sing, to sing forever.

  I am happy, I am happy
  All day long I sing and play
  I am happy, I am happy
  Love to play the day away


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