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5. Ollie the owl

Ollie the owl

Ollie the owl If the animals have a problem they go to Ollie the wise owl. Ollie has answers to almost every question and he always knows what to do.

Scottie the snake has lost his hiss
What can you do with a snake like this
Wilma the wolf has lost her howl
Her pretty brown face is wearing a scowl

I think we must visit Ollie the owl
He's so wise, he knows everything
He says "Twit-to-woo I know what to do
Twit-to-woo here's what to do"

Candy the crocodile has lost her snap
Lost her snap? Well just fancy that
Larry the leopard has lost his spots
So he's wearing a jumper with big red dots

I think we must visit Ollie the owl
He's so wise, he knows everything
He says "Twit-to-woo I know what to do
Twit-to-woo here's what to do"


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