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Danny & Gerry

Our Christmas Songs

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Danny & Gerry
Our Christmas Songs lyrics
"Where Is Santa"

Here are the lyrics for Where Is Santa:

We really don't know what to say.
There's going to be no christmas day
The problem's here for all to see
No presents under my christmas tree.

Because Santa Claus is stuck in our chimney.

I called upon fireman Sam.
To come an lend a helping hand
He brought his hose and a ladder too.
"Okay boys what can I do?"

Because Santa Claus is stuck in your chimney.

He called up policeman Jim.
He said, "Let me look at him.
Well my boys just fancy that.
Santa Claus is far to fat."

That's why Santa Claus is stuck in your chimney.

When they left they said "Just wait.
Christmas this year might be late.
Push and pull with all your might
But Santa's stuck here for the night."

Because Santa Claus is stuck in our chimney.

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Gerry Christmas and a Danny New Year
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