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Danny & Gerry

Danny & Gerry - Our Halloween

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Danny & Gerry
Our Halloween lyrics
"Halloween Scream"

Here are the lyrics for Halloween Scream:

I have no eyes.
I have no ears.
I have no nose.
I have no toes.
I have no knees, and I have no arms.
But you know me.
I'm the Halloween scream.

I'm not a dog.
I'm not a cat.
I'm not a bear.
I'm not a vampire bat.
I'm not a kangaroo with one pink shoe.
But you know me.
I'm the Halloween scream.

I don't drink tea.
So you can't see me.
I don't eat peas.
So no peas please.
I don't eat lollies and I hate ice cream.
But you know me.
I'm the Halloween Scream.

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