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Danny & Gerry

Our World Tour - overview

Danny & Gerry - Our World Tour

Danny & Gerry - Our World Tour (click for more info) (49984 Bytes)

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"Our World Tour" costs € 20.00 only.

The new CD from Danny & Gerry is here! In March 2005 Danny & Gerry released "Our World Tour", a CD with songs for children in the age of 4 up.

Our new product consists of 15 English songs. As with More Of Our Songs , Our Day Out , Our First Songs , Our Halloween and Our Christmas Songs the illustrations were done by Sheena Machotka. These songs have been tested in our English learning courses for children, Our-English.

These are the songs:
I Can See   
I see a little house....
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
Socks On My Feet   
I am dancing flamenco in the street....
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
African Jungle   
I am going on safari...
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
My Little Island   
I am stranded on an island...
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
We Like It   
I like it. You like it. We like it. They like....
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
Chickens On The Windmill    
Chickens on the windmill and they won't come down....
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
Green is the colour of the grass in my garden....
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
My Teddy Bear   
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
What Am I?   
What am I? I have big ears. I have no hair. So I'm not a bear....
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
My Spider Clyde   
Under my bed there's a spider's web and the spider's name is Clyde....
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
Where The Frogs Are   
It is raining, raining cats and dogs...
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
I Spy   
I spy with my little eye....
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
Spaghetti And Lasagna   
Spaghetti and lasagna...
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
Maybe you are my baby...
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)
Go To Sleep   
The sun goes down. (2x)...
Click to listen to the audio clip (MP3 required)

The CDs from Danny & Gerry:

More Of Our Songs
More Of Our Songs 20/20
Our Day Out
Our First Songs
Our World Tour
Our Dance Party
Let's WOKI - Fun In The 4 Seasons
Our Christmas Songs
Our Halloween