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Danny & Gerry

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More Of Our Songs 20/20
The newest CD from Danny & Gerry is here: More Of Our Songs 20/20. See more information on our homepage and get your copy through our online shopping service.
Danny & Gerry - More Of Our Songs 20/20
Tongue Twister
A bachelor botched a batch of badly baked biscuits.
Did the bachelor botch a batch of badly baked biscuits?
If the bachelor botched a batch of badly baked biscuits.
Where are the badly baked biscuits that the bachelor botched?
Concerts by Danny & Gerry
Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen: Danny and Gerry play live concerts both public and in schools. Interested in seeing them perform live? Have a look at our online concert table to find a concert in your area.
Concert table
Riddle 16
A single train track runs through a tunnel from east to west. One afternoon two trains run along the track at the same speed and enter the tunnel, one going east and one going west. Neither of the trains stop but they don't crash. Why not?